Potential Collaborators

The EPRG in collaboration with other research communities at UAL, will assemble in new multidisciplinary, transversal and interconnected spaces in which experimental research can unfold and be fruitful in contexts of creative education.

Proposed collaborations with local and global educational and cultural institutions.

(i) At UAL (Proposed not yet confirmed)
We wish to collaborate with our Research Centres, hubs and research groups.

(ii) UK and Global (This is a wish list of organisations to work like to connect with over the next few years so the EPRG become a global and local organisation.

URGENT PEDAGOGIES: https://urgentpedagogies.iaspis.se/

Hybrid Pedagogy: https://hybridpedagogy.org/

Resina Collective: https://resinacollective.com/

SenseLab: http://senselab.ca/wp2/
The Centre for Policy, Pedagogy and Practice (PPP): Bath Spa University | https://bit.ly/3xxlJ7j
The Centre for Research Informed Teaching (CRIT): London Southbank University (LABU) |
Centre for Global Higher Education: Institute of Education: : https://www.researchcghe.org/
Centre for Arts and Learning: Goldsmiths | https://www.gold.ac.uk/cal/
Arts Based Educational Research (SiG): BERA | https://bit.ly/3vqRTQa
CREAM (Centre for Research & Education in Arts & Media): University of Westminster
Art Education Research Institute (AERI): https://www.aerinstitute.org/
Centre for Research in Arts, Creativity and Literacy (CRACL): University of Nottingham | https://bit.ly/32W1rGE
National Art Education Association: https://www.arteducators.org/about

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