Experimental Pedagogies Research Group (EPRG) would like to invite you to come along on and join one or more of the three drop-in sessions we are running on:
Monday 24th May via Teams: 09.00-10.00 or 12.30-13.30 or 16.00-17.00
We are holding multiple sessions so there is more chance on you being able attend if you wish. Our desire to be inclusive is why you have received three calendar invites. These are drop-in sessions so please join us whenever time is convenient for you.
Please contact: Mark Ingham at m.ingham@lcc.arts.ac.uk for more information.
We will be there to discuss what we have already done, what we are doing now and what are our ambitions for the future. We would also like to get your feedback on the possible ways forward for the group and how we could develop into a UAL Research Centre. Also, to see if you want to join with in this adventure in some capacity and give us any advice you could offer us.
The Experimental Pedagogies Research Group (EPRG) was set up in July 2020 in response to a growing demand from staff and doctoral students at UAL for a place where theoretical and practical ideas of experimentation in creative educational contexts could be explored. Three concurrent aims were quickly identified. The first was to create and imagine more informal, online, in person spaces where ideas of what experimental pedagogies could be are discussed and put into practice. The second was to locate funding streams for creative experimental projects that we wished to develop. The third was to explore the possibility of setting up a Research Centre at UAL dedicated to developing new ways of practicing and thinking about experimental creative education.

Reminder that OUR FUR OUR FUR: Epizoochory and the EPRG workshop will start at promptly at 9 am tomorrow Wednesday 24th March. You can join the meeting at 8.55am if you wish using the link: https://bit.ly/3jWSC7a. Looking forward to seeing you all and we hope you have a good day.
You are cordially invited to the UAL Research Season Event:
Epizoochory and the EPRG
Workshop, 24 March 9 – 10 AM GMT
Epizoochory and the EPRG – with the Experimental Pedagogies Research Group. Find out who we are (we are 18 staff & students & Alumni from UAL) and what we do, in this experimental workshop that will brew, burr, bubble and be fun. Because ‘…you’re always eight or nine, six or seven [wolves]’ (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987: 32).
‘In contrast to the unified harmonies and rhythms of rock, pop, or classical music, to appreciate polyphony one must listen both to the separate melody lines and their coming together in unexpected moments of harmony or dissonance. In just this way, to appreciate the assemblage, one must attend to its separate ways of being at the same time as watching how they come together in sporadic but consequential coordinations. Furthermore, in contrast to the predictability of a written piece of music that can be repeated over and over, the polyphony of the assemblage shifts as conditions change.’ – Anna Tsing, 2015, The Mushroom at the End of the World
“It is already many, already an assemblage, but with couples, hands and our fur, they might be some joy?” D&G ATP 1980

‘Epizoochory and the EPRG’ registration
Teams links to our workshop on the 24th are
The short link is: https://bit.ly/3jWSC7a and can be used in any publicity you may wish to circulate and disperse!
And the long one is:
Virtual Active Strolling Encounters (VASE)
This 1 hour ‘Strollshop Dialogue’ will ask the questions “What are some of the effective ways of learning and teaching ideas about climate action you have come across in your course curriculum and learning design?” How have you encountered these ideas and how have you put them into action?
You will be put into random pairs in break out rooms using Blackboard Collaborate and asked to discuss the above questions whilst you stroll around wherever you want to go. Inside where you live or work, outside if you are allowed to or want to. Or just stroll nomadically inside your head. Using mobile phones, you will dialogue with your partner for 30 minutes and create a 1 minute story of your encounter, based on where you go and your answers to the set questions. Or if you do not like the questions ones you have created yourselves. When transported back into the main room you will have the opportunity to retell your pair’s story to the gathered virtual throng.
(To stroll is to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially for pleasure + A throng as a multitude of assembled persons)
“Break a vase, and the love that reassembles the fragments is stronger than that love
which took its symmetry for granted when it was whole.” Derek Walcott (The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory. Nobel Lecture. 1992)
Into the Wild: Climate Action and the Curriculum
Next month, LCC’s Climate Action Group will be hosting ‘Into the Wild: Climate Action and the Curriculum’, a series of events centred around climate action and the curriculum, which will be open to all students and staff across UAL.
The series will run from Monday 22 to Friday 26 February, and will offer opportunities to share good practice and to discuss and debate different approaches to educating for social and environmental sustainability.
The full events programme, which will include keynote speakers, talks, workshops, performances, conversations and debate, will be open for bookings soon
Lost & Found in Translation

Lost & Found in Translation14 Mar 2019 LCC Lower Gallery5pm to 6pm
Join us to hear Dr Mark Ingham discuss and question the idea of translation as a method to aid metacognition. This will be through ideas encountered by the project “Found in Translation,” which is an ongoing project that has as it starting point the 45 translations of the Design School Manifesto. The Project is run by Mark and a group of UAL students.

In this project metacognition refers to ‘…higher order thinking, which involves active control over the cognitive processes engaged in learning.’ It is an investigation into ways of we can help students of all levels of knowledge acquisition to understand how they think about their learning. As Ryan Hargrove (2011) suggests in his article Fostering creativity in the design studio: A framework towards effective pedagogical practices, ‘The area of metacognition can be the scaffolding for future problem solving, as the goal remains to enable designers to utilize creative design thinking/processes with optimum efficiency.’

About the speaker
Dr Mark Ingham is a Reader in Critical and Nomadic Pedagogies and a UAL Teaching Scholar in the Design School at London College of Communication. His pedagogical and creative research are entangled encounters with: images of thought and memory, rhizomatic and meta-cognitive learning theories, fuzzy narratives and virtual and physical liminal teaching spaces. Mark is a 2017 UAL Senior Teaching Scholar and Senior Fellow of the HEA.