The Experimental Pedagogies Research Group (EPRG) invited participants to an open-access 24 hour long continuous live session. Every sixty minutes of the 24 hours were co-curated by two or more members of the EPRG and its global affiliates, spanning continents, time zones and approaches to learning.
We aimed to challenge existing assumptions about ways of addressing pedagogic concerns, and the multiple ways in which we as world citizens might explore questions of learning (on/from/with/about/around) earth – learning to learn about racial, social and environmental (in)justice, and how we know that we have learned.
The EPRG is interested in creating new pedagogies and ways of working, drawing on collective non-hierarchical practices , inherently diverse and excited about experimentation.
The 24hrs on Earth event took place between Tuesday 29th March 2022 at 12.00 UTC+1 and Wednesday 30th March 2022 at 12.00 UTC+1.

EPRG sessions are intended to be welcoming, accessible and inclusive to all. Although the event was deliberately experimental, transcripts were available on many of the platforms; and recordings were made available to view afterwards. The EPRG members and affiliates aimed to care for one another and the environment(s) they created,, and to be compassionate in all their responses.
24hrs ON EARTH with the EPRG is a practice of hospitality, hosting many different viewpoints. Views expressed are those of individuals involved, and take ethical responsibility.

24hrs ON EARTH was an open-access continuous live session, as part of the 2022 UAL Research Season programme. Every sixty minutes of the 24 hours were co-curated by two or more members of the EPRG and its global affiliates, spanning continents, time zones and approaches to learning. There were some open spaces … We aimed to challenge existing assumptions about ways of addressing pedagogic concerns, appreciating the multiple ways in which world citizens might explore questions of learning (on/from/with/about/around) Earth – learning to learn about racial, social and environmental (in)justice.
This printed document aims to extend the 24hrs ON EARTH event into a resource/ toolkit for others, you, to use. It provides provocations and material for you to work with. It could prompt:

How might we understand /see / not see / feel / reinterpret / perform / explore / make learning in our world, today? What resources do we have to offer, draw upon, or share? When does learning happen? Where do we learn? With whom might we collaborate, to further learn? Who or what might be conducive to learning?
In its folded format this resource is intended to be portable and usable. Some provocations are ready-to-use instructions that resemble an exercise, others are more nuanced and open for interpretation, as a way of reflection or simply offer a breathing space. Each of the twenty four contributions corresponds to an hour in 24hrs. Time was a key element in the live event. Retaining it in this printed format creates a timestamp which becomes another provocation itself: inviting users to create new associations between time and learning.

The Experimental Pedagogies Research Group would like to invite you to explore this resource; so that you might use it in some way in your own practice.