gatherings of pedagogical minor gestures

and a gala of minor gestures

What small thing has changed the pedagogy that you do? What can you share, with others who might be interested – from another context …. (Minor: things that affect you and students?)

Join us in a gala of minor gestures in Creative Pedagogies?

The EPRG is planning to bring together a celebration of approaches to creative pedagogy, to include possibilities, provocations, concerns and of experiments. These will be curated into a playlist etc, taking place in person and online in September 2025, though extending into other times and situations. The notion is somewhere between a festival / fiesta / gala / happening / picnic / playlist; with all the associated connotations of bringing people together to share community, experience, music and food, to demonstrate creative care and concern, to learn together, to include, reach out, feel and grow.

We would like to hear your ideas for a spot. As a very initial gauging of material potential, might you propose 3-minutes worth of something to share (or perhaps a multiple of 3-minutes)? As with all-things-EPRG, this can be as loose or directed as it feels like it needs to be, of particular or more general concern; but be rooted in some sense of sharing / appreciation of what we have to share. It might be challenging, or celebratory, or demonstrative, or curious, or …

Please propose an event for this happening!

What would your title be for this?

A Gala of Creative Pedagogies?

Please add to our Google Doc any ideas you might have for this multifaceted event.