EPRG at UAL’s Education Conference 2022

UAL Education Conference 2022 Online
11th and 12th of July 2022 10:00-15:00
Social Space 9:00-10:00 and 15:00-16:00
Hosted on Teams by UAL’s The Exchange


15:45 – 16:30
Experimental Pedagogies Research Group (EPRG) Platform Event: This 45-minute session should function as a bridging opportunity between the formal Education Conference proceedings and the less formal social event; or perhaps an ‘informal-formal’. It will draw very directly on the experiences of the conference, in order to acknowledge and give thanks for the understandings that we have taken from the various workshops, presentations and discussions. Members of the group will introduce a discussion and response activity which aims to encourage delegates to recognise the range of work that has taken place.

The EPRG will encourage thanks to the Education Conference with ideas around the onion.

This 45-minute session should function as bridging opportunity between the formal Education Conference proceedings and the less formal social event; or perhaps an ‘informal-formal’. It will draw very directly on the experiences of the conference, in order to acknowledge and give thanks for the understandings that we have taken from the various workshops, presentations and discussions. Using the analogy of the onion as accessible symbol, members of the group will introduce discussion and response activity which aims to encourage delegates to recognise the range of work that has taken place, perhaps identifying some potential for development, or further conversation. The invitation to express and explore will extend into the canteen, where refreshments will be available.



Onion Poem read in Polish by Lena



Co in­ne­go ce­bu­la.
Ona nie ma wnętrz­no­ści.
Jest sobą na wskroś ce­bu­lą,
do stop­nia ce­bu­licz­no­ści.
Ce­bu­la­sta na ze­wnątrz,
ce­bu­lo­wa do rdze­nia,
mo­gła­by wej­rzeć w sie­bie
ce­bu­la bez prze­ra­że­nia.

W nas ob­czy­zna i dzi­kość
le­d­wie skó­rą przy­kry­ta,
in­fer­no w nas in­ter­ny,
ana­to­mia gwał­tow­na,
a w ce­bu­li ce­bu­la,
nie po­kręt­ne je­li­ta.
Ona wie­le­kroć naga,
do głę­bi itym­po­dob­na.

Byt nie­sprzecz­ny ce­bu­la,
uda­ny ce­bu­la twor.
W jed­nej po pro­stu dru­ga,
w więk­szej mniej­sza za­war­ta,
a w na­stęp­nej ko­lej­na,
czy­li trze­cia i czwar­ta.
Do­środ­ko­wa fuga.
Echo zło­żo­ne w chór.

Ce­bu­la, to ja ro­zu­miem:
naj­na­dob­niej­szy brzuch świa­ta.
Sam sie au­re­ola­mi
na wła­sną chwa­łę opla­ta.
W nas – tłusz­cze, ner­wy, żyły,
ślu­zy i se­kret­no­ści.
I jest nam od­mó­wio­ny
idio­tyzm do­sko­na­ło­ści.

[05/07 11:15] Santanu Vasant
Question for JSP Technical Team for the ExEd organising team: is there a camera in the room (used for teaching capture) or if it’s a laptop, can it zoom into or be close enough for outside of the room.

[05/07 11:18] Ayse Koklu
I was thinking questions/prompts/conversation catalysers
like 1

[05/07 11:22] Jheni Arboine
Good morning allMy mic and camera are not working. I can hear and see you all.
like 2

[05/07 11:23] Jheni Arboine
You are all wearing black T-shirts, is that our uniform?

[05/07 11:23] Santanu Vasant
Do we have an image of the space to share?
like 1

[05/07 11:24] Jheni Arboine
Yes green onions

[05/07 11:27] Jheni Arboine

[05/07 11:27] Santanu Vasant
Could be several parcels passed around that we are giving out?
like 1

[05/07 11:27] John O’Reilly
beret, stripey t-shirt and onion?
heart 1 laugh 1

[05/07 11:27] Santanu Vasant
I have a Daft Punk Style Performance in my head !

[05/07 11:27] Jheni Arboine
Music Green onions
heart 1

[05/07 11:30] Santanu Vasant
If we have this it might help – https://catchbox.com/ ?
Catchbox – the engagement microphone
Kickstart the conversation with Catchbox – the engagement microphone. Customize to suit your brand and maximize participation in any situation.

[05/07 11:31] Ayse Koklu
Do we know how many people will be there?

[05/07 11:34] Jheni Arboine

[05/07 11:34] Jheni Arboine
I am here

[05/07 11:36] Jheni Arboine

[05/07 11:40] Jheni Arboine
any onions

[05/07 11:40] Jheni Arboine
It as to be assessible

[05/07 11:41] Jheni Arboine

[05/07 11:48] Santanu Vasant
John – does it not depend on the size and number of layers in this equation?
like 1 laugh 1

[05/07 11:48] Jheni Arboine
onion formula or theorem 

[05/07 11:50] Jheni Arboine
I am happy to, have an activity collecting words from folk to make a collaborative concrete poem
like 3

[05/07 11:51] John O’Reilly
that would be so good Jheni
laugh 1

[05/07 11:53] John O’Reilly
Kind of Nonion Mark
laugh 1

[05/07 11:53] John O’Reilly
Nonion as part of the method of Onionisme
laugh 1

[05/07 11:54] John O’Reilly
Where do we stand on Spring Onions?
laugh 1

[05/07 11:54] Jheni Arboine
Onionology, are we onionologists?
heart 1

[05/07 11:55] Jheni Arboine
Greek dancing

[05/07 11:55] Jheni Arboine
enjoyment and fun


EPRG Members and Mark Ingham: Reader in Critical and Nomadic Pedagogies , LCC/Design School
UAL’s Experimental Pedagogies Research Group (EPRG) collectively and collaboratively organised 24hrs ON EARTH, an event for UAL’s Research Season with the theme, ‘Learning to learn about racial, social and environmental (in)justice’. This workshop will explore how 24 continuous live events from hosts from all around the world can be seen as a paradigm for how we can learn in an inclusive and socially just university with the technology we already use. Please join members of the EPRG for this interactive discussion on the possible futures of creative education in a hybrid works. For more information see: https://eprg.arts.ac.uk/24hrs-on-earth-recordings/ & https://eprg.arts.ac.uk/24hrs-on-earth/

This workshop started on Tuesday 12 July at 11:10 in the Change! space.